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A Second Chance …

For those who are unable to stick to their new year’s fitness resolution, fret not as here’s your second chance for year 2012. You see, In Malaysia we have new year according to the western calendar, which is on 1st January every year. While we also celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year for 15 days, which is ending today. So this is your second chance.

Here are the important ingredients needed that could help you stick to your resolution; Desire, Knowledge and Action.

For a matter of fact, you already have the desire to be healthier and fitter when you make your fitness resolution. So the first part is already checked!

Next would be the neccessary right knowledge to achieve your fitness goals. You can’t be doing something without knowing about ‘that something’, isn’t it? So be clear about your goal(s) that you want to achieve, and acquire the neccessary knowledge from the right source ( there are too many fitness myths out there ) to steer yourself towards your goal(s).

Last but not least, Action! Notice I said acquire the NECCESSARY knowledge? This is to avoid acquiring too much knowledge and not putting them into action in later stage. Considering that there are so many fitness theories out there, each claiming to be better than another, chances are you read so much that you get confused on where and how to start. Knowledge without applied Action would be useless.

So now, what’s the Desire that is driving you to acquire the neccessary Knowledge for you to take Action ?