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Skinny females … ?

I can’t help but to post the caption and photo below after seeing Scott Sonnon posted on his facebook page.

ATHLETIC VS SKINNY: When trying to lose weight, you mean you want the body to lose fat. There’s no reason to lose weight unless you’re competing in a weight classed sport. To reduce fat, you MUST re-educate the body’s ability to burn fat as the main source of fuel. When you burn fat, you don’t get hungry and you don’t crave: the KEY to permanent body composition change. Unfortunately, most “weight loss” programs temporarily starve off weight (including muscle) by merely depriving calories. 99% have been proven failures, for the body hasn’t converted to a fat burning fuel source, and the “weight” returns when the cravings, and the “diet” ends. Ask, HOW will these dietary changes help my body restore its fat burning natural state? – Scott Sonnon