I’m glad to tell you that my final year project progress has been going very smoothly, credit goes to my supervisor who has been giving all the necessary guidance and pointers to me. My project proposal was given the approval in August, with slight change on research title, with ” Health Related Fitness Knowledge and Physical Activity Frequency among Malaysian Undergraduates ” as the final title.
Pilot study has been conducted for the past 2 weeks and the data was presented this morning, it shows a good reliability analysis reading at 0.837 .
Thus I was given the green light to collect my data without the need to amend my instrument. The real data collection begins NOW with YOU.
If you meet the 3 criteria below, I really need you to be part of my research. It would take up less than 10 minutes to complete 36 questions related to health and fitness.
- a Malaysian undergraduate who is studying for your first bachelor’s degree, diploma or certificate.
- Aged between 18 to 35 years old.
- Have not taken or currently not taking any Sports Science, Exercise or Fitness courses prior to this.
Please write me an email at GetFitWithJasonLee(at)gmail.com if you are interested to be part of this research.